AGE: 26
PROFESSION: Land Economist
ROLE IN IHAV: Country Director - Ghana
I am a Land Economist by profession. I love reading about the success stories of Africans across the world, listening to music and a secret desire for taking photos. Aside the fact that I love the Lord; I have become a more committed Christian because the second coming is at hand. I am an easygoing, fun-loving and a passionate football fan. Time spent with the people is something I cherish a lot, no matter the occasion, and I like to try new things also.
Due to my background in Land Economy, I am now into Real Estate specialized in Real Estate Management. I commit myself to two things everyday Real Estate Issues and IHAV Foundation issues. I love the profession I find myself in but I’m more passionate about Ihav because of the vision the organization has in youth empowerment.
My role at IHAV as the Country Director is challenging but a challenge I accepted because I wanted to portray the capabilities of the African Youth in a different way. My first initiative to promote IHAV was to come up with #Pieces for Peace, an idea born out of youth empowerment. That is by bringing the youth who are into fashion together to exhibit their products and a platform to encourage them start their own business, whiles giving five different orphanages African prints for the kids. The shared the idea with the President who gave the go ahead to implement it during the festive period so as to give back to the society as a social responsibility from IHAV
#Pieces for Peace is just an initiative we have started this year to promote our upcoming Conference later in the year. My team and I will work harder to put Ihav not just on the Ghanaian map, the African map but all over the World. The African story can be told in a different way rather than the poverty stricken and unemployed youth. Vision will ignite the fire of passion that fuels our commitment to do whatever it takes to achieve excellence.
Put your Vision in Action, I Have A Vision (IHAV)